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February 2023
Demystifying Real Assets Tokenisation

Real asset tokenisation has been identified to be the game changer for that would push the needle in 2023 for the adoption of #web3 technology in the finance industry.

We were glad to have recently shared the stage with Natalie Breen (Apex Group) and Sanjay Vatsa (Inveniam) on sharing our thoughts towards real asset tokenisation, its potential in the market and how we can bring this opportunity to a wider pool of investors at scale.

Learn more about real assets tokenisation and how it is revolutionising the investment scene today.

Watch our video to learn more!

Demystifying Real Assets Tokenisation

Join our expert panellists – Rachel Chia (SDAX), Natalie Breen (Apex Group) and Sanjay Vatsa (Inveniam) on sharing their thoughts towards real asset tokenisation, its potential in the market and how we can bring this opportunity to a wider pool of investors at scale.

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